Tuesday, January 18, 2011

...muse gone wild

Perhaps, it's because of winter closing in on me. Longer days inside. The dark showing up at 4:30 PM...but something has happened - my muse has gone wild!

She wants to play and she dances from one project to another. She drags me to book stores and libraries to look for books on all sorts of neat, creative subjects. She frequents YouTube, and search engines, and can't stop learning. It's been fun - almost a little naughty. Maybe, I should focus on other things.....BUT...I will admit I'm surviving the winter and learning, too.

The snow has become a great subject to photograph. I enjoy sharing my pictures and blogging about our recent storms. On the morning of the December storm I took a few beautiful pictures while the street lights were still on. I may even enter them in the next art association show. We'll see. I usually stick to showing my jewelry creations and paintings, but why not - photos, too? See what my muse is doing to me?

For one thing, I've started crocheting again. I haven't touched a crochet hook in years...or a knitting needle for that matter. My enthusiasm for upcycling has been leading me to experiment. I've been making tee shirt yarn, and I have tons of new ideas I want to try.

While exploring yarn, my curiosity has led me to purchase a Mother Marian "Meggie" kick spindle spinning wheel. It's a great invention. I can't wait to get going on it. I'm sure there will be a learning curve. I haven't had the chance to play with it yet. I want to use it to spin unusual yarns. Stay tuned. I'll let everyone know how coordinated I am. Not sure I'm going to be able to do all of this yet, but I'll give it a shot. I'm impressed by the simplicity of "Meggie." She's beautiful.

There's more...valentines, and felting...writing down my dreams in the morning, creating beachy jewelry while I watch it snow. Such delights!!!

I've been inspired to try lots of new things when I should probably be focused on one or two projects. I can't seem to help myself. My muse just wants to play and play and experiment and have fun. Does any one else have this happen to them? I wonder.

I'd love to hear where your muse is taking you. Are others experiencing a winter creative explosion or is it the opposite with the winter bringing you down? Let me know.....

More snow? Really?

The weather people were right - more snow and then it turned to rain as they predicted. Below is a picture I snapped shortly before the storm turned to rain. The snow was falling in big flakes and it looked extremely New Englandly and quite pretty.

It's still raining - or at least, doing some sort of precipitating out there right now at 10 PM. I'm really worried about some of the pine trees and bushes on my property. I tried to shovel, shake and pull off some of the snow where I could reach, but some of my trees are all bent over and miserable. I can only hope they survive. More snow will arrive on Friday. I can't keep up with it all.

Below is a pic of my neighbor's house that I snapped from my living room. The snow was really coming down hard at the time.

Early this morning a few birds visited my feeder. This Cardinal sure looks cold. Could he puff up any more than this?

I'm almost out of bird food!