Friday, March 11, 2011

Paints paint flower!

Some of you know my dad has been seriously ill. 
 It's been a long haul from Jan 25th when he first entered the  hospital. He's since been in and out of the hospital 3 times! 

In between the hospital stays there was a tragic fire in the apartment building where my father lives.  Luckily, his apartment was not harmed. Unfortunately, the fire sent him out into the pouring rain where he got a chill...this happened just after he returned home from having pneumonia! Not surprising a few days later he ended up back in the hospital.

The great news is my dad has improved. He's in a rehab facility now and may be going home soon. I'm thrilled and relieved. Now, I can almost catch my breath.

I haven't painted in ages so when I opened a watercolor tray recently I discovered something just so neat. I had placed a paper towel in the container to keep the paint from leaking. To my delight an abstract flower painting emerged. 

My paints created a painting on the paper towel!
Magic does happen!!!