Sunday, August 19, 2012

My summer– so far…


Summer is just sailing along for me. My older son married on Aug. 21st. Not only was the wedding special, it gave us a chance to visit with relatives we seldom see. IMG_9738



Don’t they make a great couple?

I’ve never seen two people smile so much. They’re soooo cute together!


My younger son came from San Francisco. He and his partner stayed a few extra days which was great. It  gave my daughter and I a chance to do some fun things with them in Boston.

We went out to eat at Legal Seafood and took a sunset harbor tour of Boston on one day, and the next day we all explored the MFA.




I loved the sunset harbor tour. It was the perfect thing to do on a warm summer evening. We got to see Old Ironsides up close and personal and watch them shoot the canon off with a large BANG!


My garden has been blessing me beautiful dahlia blooms every day, thanks to my older son. He planted them and has given them lots of love and attention.





As far as creativity goes… I’ve been taking tons of photos this summer. I’m also learning how to build native mobile apps for the iphone and android. To me that’s really exciting.

So far. This summer is shaping up as “not too shabby!”