OK, I admit it. It's been ages since I've posted. The computer crash really threw me for a loop. I still haven't figured out where some of my treasured photos have gone. Some of them are of my Father, and are truly precious. I know they are on my computer, but I can't seem to access them. This is a total frustration to me. Next, my posts were doubled on Facebook and Twitter. Not a good thing to happen. - I think I've fixed the problem, but this is a test post for me.
So??? What have I been up to lately? I've become enchanted by handmade journals and books. I just had to experiment by making my own. I've been using "upcycled denim" as covers for some of the journals. They turn out quite earthy and feel good in your hand. I've been making some with collaged covers, too. These are bright and playful. How fun...And now, I'm going to run a workshop class at the Danvers Art Association on how to create your own personal Journal that is unique to each person. I can't wait to turn others on to this process.
The class is on Saturday, Sept 10th from 9:30 to 1 PM. Email me if you are interested in this class or others I'll be teaching. Azurlin@gmail.com Put - Journal Workshop in the subject line.
I've been doing a lot of procrastinating lately. This is unlike me. I'm working out a plan to get myself going again. Sort of a "back to school" sort of thing. You know, how exciting it used to be to get ready for school. New clothes, books, and new friends. Fall is going to be my new beginning. I can't wait to make pumpkin soup, work in my yard, take long walks on crunchy leaves, have an evening fire in the fire pit...teach my class. No more holding myself back by procrastinating. How about you? What do you do to stop yourself from falling into those slow you down habits?
OH...and, the economy. I'm terribly worried about us as a country. Like so many others, I'm tightening my belt. A much look forward to trip to Maine this fall had to be canceled because of lack of cash. What's with our Congress?????????????