Massabesic Audubon
On Sunday my friends and I visited the Massabesic Audubon in NH. A very friendly place! We were offered free coffee, hot cocoa, homemade fudge and cookies as we entered the building.
They have several animals on site who were rescued and are not candidates to go back into the wild - a raven that had been injured, and an owl who was really sleepy. We were told she is more lively at night... They have two turtles named Slowvski - named after the Comcast comercial with the turtles and a snapping turtle named Rita named after an Audubon worker's Mother-in-law. Whew!
We took a super hike on one of the trails. It was a bit slippery walking because the snow on the trails had been packed down. It wasn't really cold, and I enjoyed seeing the reservoir.
At one point I turned and thought there was a wolf, but it was a German Shepard taking a walk with his human family. He did startle me for a moment. There were a lot of people on snow shoes, too. Here are more photos of our Audubon experience...
As we were leaving the audubon I saw a car in the parking lot with this license plate. So, of course I had to snap it....
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