Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Birthday Trip

On Dec 1st I went on a neat bus trip to Newport, RI.  We visited the Marble House which was all decorated for Christmas.  It was enjoyable learning about the history of this “summer cottage”!!!  Wow! 







P1080898Next, we went out to eat at the Atlantic Beach Restaurant.  The food was Ok, but the wait staff had much to be desired.  From there we toured around Newport looking at other beautiful mansions and the lovely ocean views. 



Then, to top off the day, we went to Attleboro, MA to the LaSalette Shrine.  There we caught the end of Christmas Concert and happily explored the gift shop. 



At 5:00 PM there was a prayer service at the beautiful outdoor manger with caroling, too. When that was over they lit up all the outdoor lighted displays at once!!! It was spectacular. Everyone, was oohing and awing!








I enjoyed walking around and looking a all the lights and taking pictures.  What made the trip was the mild December weather we were having. The day was clear and sunny and not cold and the evening was lovely. 

All in all, I had a fun BD.

I’m thrilled!!

I am fortunate to have inherited my Dad’s computer – so I’ve decided to put it to good use.  I’m using it exclusively for photos and my Blogging!  Now, I’ll be able to blog to my heart’s content.

This is a wonderful way to go into the new year!  Can you believe we are almost into 2012 already?

Thursday, December 8, 2011

One more craft show to go....

I'm actually sorry the season of craft fairs is almost over.  Aside from all the work in transporting tables and supplies, I've really enjoyed meeting the people who stop by my table.  It's interesting to discover what people are buying this year.  It seems to be a little of everything that I make, and not just jewelry, or journals or restyled items.  I thought I'd find only certain items selling but it seems to be a variety.  Oh, I'm not complaining.  It's wonderful to have the public like everything I make.  :)

 One more fair to concentrate on! Once this fair is done I'll work on decorating my home for the holiday.  The lovely mild weather we've been enjoying has helped make everything more enjoyable.  

Monday, November 21, 2011

I've been sooooo busy....

I've been sooooo busy lately...but it's a good busy.  I went to a bead show last weekend because I was running out of supplies.  The show was huge, and it literally sparkled every where I looked.  I always have fun when I attend this show.  It's difficult not to over spend because of the many temptations.  I was good - I only bought what I needed. 

I'm in the Danver's Art Association's Holiday Craft fair which runs from now until Dec. 18th.  It's open Saturday and Sunday from 12 until 4 PM.  I have one painting in the show, my handmade journals and some jewelry.  Oh...and a few Christmas ornaments, too.  Every year I'm amazed at the quality and variety of the crafts in this show.  There are many talented members in this organization.

Lots of holiday events are planned for Newburyport like holiday art walks, etc.  Since my jewelry is in the Sister's We Three on Pleasant St., I'm busy making extra jewelry for them to display...and hopefully sell.  I thought I had a lot of jewelry made, but I'm discovering I don't have enough.  I'm taking part in more craft fairs this season and I'm (happily) in three stores.  This is crunch time.  I hope I can make enough to go around...quickly.  Next, year I'll know to start creating in June!!!  On top of all that - I need to get ready for Thanks Giving Day, too.

Am I the only one feeling the holiday crunch already?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Creativity Trip!

 Last Saturday, I treated myself to a day of relaxation and fun.  I went on the Holiday Express Bus Trip originating from Absolutely Everything a rubber stamp store in Topsfield, MA. 

The bus took us to three other stamp stores - Ink About it in Westin, Right at Home Scrapbooking, and The Paper Source in Boston. It was unusually warm for November, and a beautiful sunny day. I really enjoyed looking at the fall scenery as we were driving along. There was
still some some snow on the ground around the Nashoba Valley area from that crazy snow storm we had the end of October.

Now, why would a “non-scrapbooker, non-rubber stamper” decided to go on such a trip,you ask?  Well, I went for inspiration!  To me, it was like visiting an art gallery. And, I wasn’t disappointed.  I came away full of new ideas and a few new tools, too

Everyone on the bus was pleasant.  These ladies were clearly having a good day. Three really wonderful sisters who sat behind me and kept tabs on me so I wouldn’t miss the bus leaving a store.

The bus was clean and comfortable.  I thought the name of the bus company was perfect for such a trip.  BLOOM

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Journal Making Workshop at DAA

Date:  Sunday October 16th
Time:  9:30 to 12:30 PM
Fee:    $35
Location:  Danvers Art Association
                105 Elliot St (Rt 62)
                Danvers, MA

Teacher:   Linda Lamore

Journal Making Workshop

A hands on workshop which will teach you how to make a unique, portable journal that you can use for writing, light painting, drawing, etc.  The workshop is for the artist, crafter, writer, mixed media artist, traveler, dreamer! …And, it’s going to be FUN!

Contact Linda for supply list and
where to send fee.

Come join us….

Fun Weekends…

I’m loving this autumn weather!  It’s sunny and clear and 79 degrees!  Tomorrow the weathermen promise we’ll get in the 80’s.  Not bad for October.  

Where I am in Ipswich the trees have hardly started to change color at all.  I’m thinking that this might be a sign of a mild winter to come.  At least that’s what I’m hoping for….a winter with only small amounts of snow.  Last year, we got blasted with too many huge snow storms.

Tonight, I get to see George Thorogood and the Destroyers at the Hampton Beach Casino.  Should be fun…We have great seats up front. 

I’ve been so busy.  I haven’t had much chance to post.

Last weekend, I  went to a lovely pot luck party for the Danvers Art Association on Sat.  Delicious food, and fun company….And, also a walk on the beach, which I adored.  It was gray and foggy, but perfect for taking pictures.  I’ve been doing
a lot of walking lately. I hope I can continue even when the weather turns cold.  That’s when I have to push myself to get out and do it. 

Then, the weekend before I was in the Ipswich Art Show.  It was a pleasure.  I entered two watercolor paintings and to my amazement – my Birch Tree won honorable mention.  I was a vendor on Sat and Sun and that was fun, too. 

Next weekend will be interesting, too, because I’m teaching a class on making journals at the Danvers Art Association.  I can’t wait.

So, you see, my life is quite full these days.  Smile

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Surviving my computer crash, procrastination and the economy

OK, I admit it. It's been ages since I've posted.  The computer crash really threw me for a loop. I still haven't figured out where some of my treasured photos have gone. Some of them are of my Father, and are truly precious.  I know they are on my computer, but I can't seem to access them.  This is a total frustration to me.  Next, my posts were doubled on Facebook and Twitter.  Not a good thing to happen.  - I think I've fixed the problem, but this is a test post for me.

So???  What have I been up to lately?  I've become enchanted by handmade journals and books.  I just had to experiment by making my own.  I've been using "upcycled denim" as covers for some of the journals.  They turn out quite earthy and feel good in your hand.  I've been making some with collaged covers, too. These are bright and playful.  How fun...And now, I'm going to run a workshop class at the Danvers Art Association on how to create your own personal Journal that is unique to each person. I can't wait to turn others on to this process.  

The class is on Saturday, Sept 10th from 9:30 to 1 PM.  Email me if you are interested in this class or others I'll be teaching.  Azurlin@gmail.com  Put - Journal Workshop in the subject line.

I've been doing a lot of procrastinating lately.  This is unlike me.  I'm working out a plan to get myself going again.  Sort of a "back to school" sort of thing.  You know, how exciting it used to be to get ready for school.  New clothes, books, and new friends.  Fall is going to be my new beginning. I can't wait to make pumpkin soup, work in my yard, take long walks on crunchy leaves, have an evening fire in the fire pit...teach my class.  No more holding myself back by procrastinating.  How about you?  What do you do to stop yourself from falling into those slow you down habits?

OH...and, the economy. I'm terribly worried about us as a country. Like so many others, I'm tightening my belt. A much look forward to trip to Maine this fall had to be canceled because of lack of cash.  What's with our Congress?????????????

Monday, August 1, 2011

Craft Show–Market Square Day, Newburyport, MA ~ I’m in the show!!

Find me on Pleasant Street near the public parking area.

Market Square Day is a juried craft show with all handmade items from some of the most talented artisans in New England. This year we are pleased to have back some of your favorites as well as some new crafters with amazing talents. Our committee has traveled all over New England looking for just the right additions to our show and we cannot wait to share our great finds with everyone.

August 2
Market Square

Friday, July 29, 2011

Trunk Show - Sister's We Three, Newburyport, MA

I realize my voice has been missing from my blog for a few weeks now.  My computer crash really threw me for a loop, but I'm back and excited to be contributing to my blog once again. 

On Sunday - July 31st - the very first day of the 2011 Yankee Homecoming in Newburyport, MA I will be having my first Trunk Show at the Sister's We Three on Pleasant Street in Newburyport.  

The Trunk Show runs from 12 noon until about 4:30 PM.  

I plan to show my Eco Chic tee shirt necklaces in a beautiful array of summer colors.  I'm also showing my enamel creations and silver jewelry.  Also, something new for me - my Retro Button line.  I've created fun and eclectic looking button bracelets, earrings and necklaces.  I can't wait for people to see them because they are quite classy and different.  

Here is an example of one of my silver bracelets.
For some reason I can't get at all my photos since the crash.  I'm working of fixing the problem, but it is frustrating me!  Computers - gotta luv em!!!

I also, plan to bring some of my newly created journals.  There will be denim covered journals as well as colorful collaged journals for sale. I recently did a demo for the Danver's Art Association on how to make your own creative journals, and I was asked to do a workshop.  Soooo, I am developing just such a workshop to run in the near future!  I'm excited about that. I'd love for others to get the same enjoyment out of creating that I do.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Light of the Moon

The Light of the Moon
by Keith Bond

Regardless of where and when you begin your artistic journey, you have enough “light” to get started. [...]
Read the rest of this article at:
This excerpt appears courtesy of
FineArtViews Art Marketing Newsletter by FASO, a free email newsletter about art, marketing, inspiration and fine living for artists, collectors and galleries (and anyone else who loves art).

For a complimentary subscription, visit:

Computer crash - a week ago...

Still attempting to get my computer up to snuff since the crash.  Mostly, I lost photos and the use of Picassa. Or at least, I didn't get all my photos back, but I'm working on it.  

Lesson learned.  Update more often.
This SUCKS!!!  Just another frustration...

Have any of you had this happen?

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Good quote…

“For yesterday is but a dream
And tomorrow is only a vision
But today well lived makes
Every yesterday a dream of happiness
And every tomorrow a vision of hope
Look well, therefore to this day."

Friday, June 3, 2011

Attempting to connect blog with Twitter…

I’ve been having trouble connecting my blog with Twitter. I thought I did it correctly, but it’s not working right.

I deleted the connection and tried again.

So – I’m posting this to see if it will work.

Here’s a photo of one of my enamel pieces.
It can be found at Sisters We Three in Newburyport, MA on Pleasant Street.
This is an awesome store with tons of beautiful handcrafted items. 

Hope you like my necklace -


Camera experiments -

Experimenting with a few settings on my point and shoot camera on Wed.  Looks like I need to play around with these settings a lot more.  I was happier with the black and white than the Sepia.  Even the black and white didn't turn out as well as I had hoped.  I'll keep trying . . .


Black and White

 I like the tree the best.

Painting at the Beach

Painted at the beach with a few artists from the Danvers Art Association. This was on Wednesday, the day of those terrible tornado touch downs in Springfield, MA.  It was hot and humid all day.  For us, the day started out with thunder and rain, but turned to a gray, humid and very windy afternoon. 

At the beach house I walked around experimenting with my camera.  I discovered a setting called “vivid” on my camera.  It works pretty well on a gray days. Might be too colorful on a sunny day.  I also tried the sepia setting and the black and white settings with disappointing results…I’ll have to do some more experimenting.

Here are a few of my photos from the day -

I ended up painting inside because of the wind.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Twitter! and Me!

I just signed up for a Twitter account.  It’s exciting.  I hope I did it right – I'm attempting to link my blog to my new account. This is a test post to see if I did everything right.  I am a bit technically challenged at times. 

I keep plugging away at it.  Is it my creative brain that gets in the way? 
Hope it worked!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Less humidity! And...I'm running a SALE!

I love blogging!  It's so much fun.  I wish I had more time for writing...but what I enjoy most is sharing photos of places I visit and some of my creations.  Also, I have a secret addiction!!! - I love pressing "Next Blog" to see where blogger takes me.  Wonderful world of blogs out there, and don't you feel more connected because of blogs?  I do.

What have I been up to this week?  I've been in de-cluttering mode.  I'm attempting to get my art supplies, beads and fabric under control.  HELP!  I have more items than room for them.  It's quite a dilemma.  I keep spreading out through my home, and I'm attempting to get it all under control.  And, there is always the temptation to purchase more supplies.  What's crazy creator to do???

All this thinking about blogs and bloggers - It dawned on me to run a sale for my blog followers, other bloggers and those who check my blog from time to time.  I'm offering 20% off on both my Etsy sites.  Just use the coupon code at time of purchse - Coupon code: Blogger53011

Next, I'm going to get busy and list more items.  I have much to do since I have a lot of unlisted items. 
Gotta get busy.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Newburyport, MA walk

Late Saturday afternoon I took a walk in Newburyport, MA with my Daughter. It was partly sunny at my house but the closer I got to Newburyport the foggier the landscape. When we started walking it was really chilly and damp.  I was warm enough, but I was wishing I had a hat on my head. 

We walked down by the sea wall.  You could hardly see the water.  It was impossible to see Plum Island from where we were because of the fog.  Still, I enjoyed our walk.  We found a new path which took us closer to the water and behind some homes and then back out near the Coast Guard and downtown Newburyport.

  1. P1060775 


People in Newburyport love to decorate with an ocean theme.  That’s part of the fun of walking around this area.











This was the path we discovered.


